PLFS 1.0 - A New Year | A New You

"A New Year | A New You!" was the very first PLF Showcase and featured seven PLFs, some of whom had only recently graduated from the PLF Program. The showcase was themed to kick off the year with a new resolve to become a better person in as many ways as possible.

A crowd-puller was celebrity Nur Heliza Helmi's motivational song and present which had the crowd clapping and singing along with her. Hakim Mohd Nor, on he other hand, was among the original line-up  but sat out the event due to a medical condition.

The event, which was co-organised by Take Charge Sdn Bhd, Pertubuhan Nisa' Malaysia and Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Selangor, was held on 28-29 January 2012 at the Level 2 Auditorium at the Raja Tun Uda Library in Section 13, Shah Alam, Selangor. As many as 130 people attended both days. 

It was primarily advertised on Facebook: PLF Showcase 1.0 - A New Year | A New You

Read the full press release here: PLF Showcase - A New Year | A New You

Click on the poster for a more detailed look

Nura Muna Abd Halim
Muna walks you through how to be a Confident, Allah-Centred and Natural leader in any situation!

Rina Baha
Colour Wise
What colour flatters you and what colour drowns you? Rina shows you how to decide on your wardrobe quickly for the greatest impact.

Suhaili Ikhsan
Win Your Kids, Win Your Life
Discover how to connect with your young children and develop healthy relationships that will reward both you and your loved ones.

Tharwah Kassim
Say It From Your Heart
Public speaking doesn't have to be torture. Tharwah will prove to you that when you open your heart to the audience, they will open their heart to you.

Mohd Nadzrin Wahab
Make It REAL!
Ever wondered how to put your plans to effect? Wondered what's been holding you back? Nadzrin will help you make the unreal real.

Mastura Mansor
Mastura shares tips and tricks to raise your awareness and ensure you are super alert to the changes that happen around you and adapt just as quickly!

Nur Heliza Helmi
Just Bereeeeh!
Heliza reveals the secrets of her success as an artiste and a businesswoman who never seems to run out of energy or ideas.

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